Mahesh Tom


MTech (Research) student,
Computational Mathematics Group(CMG),
Department of Computational and Data Sciences
Indian Instute of Science

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I am currently a Masters' student at the Indian Institute Of Science. I work under Dr.Sashikumaar Ganesan in the Computational Mathematics Group at the Department of Computational and Data Sciences . Prior to this I worked in Dassault Systemes as a Software developer. My complete resume can be found here.

DS 200 : Research Methods Assignment

Module 4

All India Consumer Price Index        [Github Page] [Results]

The objective of this assignment is to generate plots using matplotlib library and draw some inference from the data.The dataset used is All India Consumer Price Index from January 2021 to November 2021. It is available at Here we use box plot, scatter plot and line plot for drawing some inference from the data.

Rainfall in South Peninsula        [Github Page] [Results]

The objective of this assignment is to generate plots using matplotlib library and draw some inference from the data mentioned in the link.The dataset used here is Rainfall in South Peninsula And its Departure for Monsoon Session (June-September) from 1901-2016. It is available at Here we use box plot, scatter plot,bar plot and line plot for drawing some inference from the data.

Work Experience

Indian Institute Of Science

(August 2022-December 2022)

I am currently a teaching assistant for DS:226 Introduction to Computing for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at IISc, Bengaluru where I design and evaluate questions for quizzes, assignments and exams.

Dassault Systemes

(June 2018 - July 2021)

I worked as a software developer in Dassault Systemes where I developed code mainly related to 3DExperience. I was also responsible for maintenance and testing of code. I developed many new functionalities to support customers like Michelin, Dassault Aviation and Mercedes Benz.


Using Hidden Markov Model for KeyStroke Biometric Studies.

Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru (May 2022)

The aim of this project was to detect an impostor user by learning the typing patterns of the user. The data-set used was the CMU KeyStroke Dynamics data-set. A Partially Hidden Markov Model was used to classify the users based on data such as time duration for each key and time between consecutive keys. The training process was parallelized and a feed forward neural network was employed to improve the results of the HMM/POHMM.The brief presentation of this project can be found here.

Extraction of a Table from an Image using ML models.

Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru (December 2021)

The aim of this project was to convert a handwritten table into an excel sheet csv format. It inolved the extraction of content inside the table after which ML models were used to train on the MINST dataset to classify the characters. Various models like Random forest classifier, KNN, Logistic regression, Voting Classifier, and Deep Neural Networks were used to classify the characters and results for each model were compared. The brief presentation of this project can be found here.

Design and Analysis of a PIV system

BMS College of Engineering, Bengaluru (May 2018)

This project involved the design and analysis of a Particle Image Velocimetry Sytem using a water channel and then conducting and validating some standard results like flow over a cylinder at low Reynolds' Number. It involved the knowledge of experimental fluid mechanics for setup, and MATLAB and image processing for analysing the pictures and computing the velocity vectors from the pictures taken from a mobile camera.

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